
Applauding Gabby and Ann

I join with all of congress in applauding the return of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

I know what it is like to be close to a strong and courageous woman who refuses to give up.

Time after time I have watched my wife Ann fight back from disability. I have watched her learn to walk again at least four times. Since 2002 I have seen her battle physical limitations with so much strength and tenacity. Today Ann begins to come back again from a huge setback. I am optimistic that she will give every ounce of her being to her recovery.

She can do no less. It is who she is! I applaud her and Gabby Giffords today!


  1. Great story and not a bad comparison.

  2. I applaude the courage to recover. Mrs. Gifford was shot a few hundred yards from my church office when I served in Tucson. Her story has been amazing.

    Wish you could be here to enjoy the lectures and this city.

  3. I am right there with you Bob.
    Their courage and stick-to-it-ness is a pattern to follow and to applaud.


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