
Adults on Recess

Anyone else think it odd that the US Congress is recessed until after Labor Day? Used to be that recess was just for kids. Seems like they would be a bit more committed in times like these.

Do you think that our system is broke, our representatives are lazy or something else. I am interested in your perspectives on their behavior.


  1. I think at the very least Congress has lost all touch with the reality of the common people.

    Saw an interview with Sen. Sessions of Alabama recently (I think with Greta Van Susteren) where he admitted that in a few weeks we'll have to go through the same drama again over the budget. She suggested Congress stay and deal with it now instead of going to recess and waiting to the last minute like they did this time.

    It sounds like a good idea to me, but obviously no on listened!

  2. This was not meant to be a full time position. I think that is part of what has gone wrong. A bunch of people trying to justify their worth by coming up with legislation. I think they should be off more than they are, provided they at least have a budget.

  3. Just heard that the FAA is partially shutdown and folks there out of work because of the recess.

  4. I wish they would go on recess and stay there! When they're gone they can't mess anything up! Now all we need to do is get the President to go with them and the country will fix itself.

  5. The August recess is a tradition that goes back to the days before air conditioning. August is usually the hottest month of the year in D.C. and the break was to ensure legislatures could get away to a cooler area for the month instead of getting hot under the collar. (If you've ever been to D.C. in August, you know what I mean!) Now there is no physical need for the month off since lighter clothing and air conditioning has become the norm on Capitol Hill.


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