
T-Shirts that Speak

In the summer I wear a lot of T-Shirts. They seem to fall into three categories: free, cheap and sports. The free ones I have mostly gotten from drug companies - I guess gifts would be included too but I seldom get them as gifts. The cheap ones are from sale racks. The sports T's are either Chiefs or Royals one - and a few of them were free. But most of them do not say anything except for the advertisements. Yet none of them are like the t-shirt pictured here.. except maybe that one Dilbert shirt that I never wear.

Do you wear t-shirts that speak?
Do you have a favorite one?


  1. I have a t-shirt from Zaftig's Jewish Deli in Brookline (Boston) which I love but never wear. It has their symbol (don't know how to describe it here) on the front and back.

  2. The only T-Shirt I own is a "Dodger" one. However my dearest has many many, but most from church camps or conferences he's attended.

    I could of course wear the T-Shirt on your post, as I have the "gift" of sleep.. anytime anywhere, bed, plane, car, bus, train...I can sleep.

  3. I have 2 that I wear regularly..."My Kids Rock" and "New York Giants". I liked the one that was posted. My brother in law wears a lot of different t shirts, his favorite is popeye. Your post also reminded me of a teacher of mine who was given a quilt with all of his tshirts sewn into it.

  4. I seem to only wear t-shirts when doing volunteer things at church, like our Breakaway camp. All volunteers have to wear them for identification, the same with our team shirts for short term mission trips. Frankly t-shirts aren't all that flattering on me. they configure to my figure and that ain't pretty!

  5. Photowantabe ~~~ Why do you think I only own ONE!!! hahaha

  6. I am trying to gradually stop wearing most T's and sweatshirts. At 56, I think it's time to stop wearing ill fitting garments that make me look frumpy. The funkiest T I have is pink with a cat in flatback sparkles and the words Drama Queen beneath it.


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