
The Problem of Pain

Since the beginning of time people have asked "Why" when they are confronted with pain and suffering in their lives. With that in mind I thought I might share an excerpt from The Problem of Pain, a book written by noted writer and theologian C.S. Lewis.
"Love, in its own nature, demands the perfecting of the beloved; that the mere 'kindness' which tolerates anything except suffering in its object is, in that respect, at the opposite pole from Love. When we fall in love with a woman, do we cease to care whether she is clean or dirty, fair or foul? Do we not rather then first begin to care? Does any woman regard it as a sign of love in a man that he neither knows nor cares how she is looking? Love may, indeed, love the beloved when her beauty is lost: but not because it is lost. Love may forgive all infirmities and love still in spite of them: but Love cannot cease to will their removal."
I love the idea that the love and the will of God involves making us perfect like Him. I wish that it was not so but I think that we would never change except for pain. Pain is designed to bring us all to a place of humility. The helplessness felt often causes us to pray. I believe that this is in part why the Apostle Paul said that he was strong when he was weak.


  1. I'm such a CS Lewis fan. Have read him for years, and have been stretched, pulled, convicted, and on the other hand, raise to new insights and hights, and dug deeper into this mystery of the Christian Life.

    Good read, Bob.

    I too am remembering you and Ann in my prayers and thoughts.

  2. To be stretched and worked on by God can really be painful but oh so wonderful at the same time. I'm not saying that going through the pain is hurts but the end result makes me stronger even though I don't like the process.
    Continued prayers for you and Ann.

  3. I also appreciate Philip Yancey's answer to this in "Where is God When It Hurts?"

  4. Great post! I rejoice in my pain because when I am weak He is strong! Praying for you guys!

  5. To love God, you must see his love flow in all circumstance. When you can do that, you can deal with anything. Praise God for your vision of Him!


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