
Firsts and Lasts

Saw this at a friends blog and thought I'd share a bit of mindless trivia with you:

  • First job: YMCA Camp Counselor
  • First funeral: A friend's father
  • First piercing: Stabbed myself once in the 70s.
  • First tattoo: Somebody stamped my hand in a nightclub.
  • First credit card: Sears
  • First favorite musician/band: Beatles
  • Last movie watched: Dinner for Schmucks - not even worthy of a review
  • Last beverage drank: Coffee, unless you count water.
  • Last food consumed: Baskin Robbins Pistachio Almond Ice Cream Cone
  • Last phone call: My pastor Scott called me today in the hospital.
  • Last CD played: Chicago's Greatest Hits
  • Last website visited: Facebook
Feel free to add a few of your firsts and lasts in the comment section. If you post something like this on your blog be sure to let me know when you do so that I can check it out.


  1. Cool idea! I think I may do something like that next week. Loved your list, and you are right, Irene and I weren't very far into Dinner With the Smucks and we turned it off and turned it back in. Not worth a review. Wish I was a Baskin Robbins, that sounded delicious!

  2. What Fun ~

    First Job ~ cutting fruit to dry in the Apricot Orchards. (7th Grade)
    First Kiss ~ 8th grade on a Church Hay ride...
    First Car ~ 1951 Studebaker

    Last meal ~ Stuffed tomato with Chicken Salad.
    Last movie watched ~ The original Star Trek with my grandson. (Bought it today at the Thift Store for 99 cents.
    Last Blog visited....Kansas Bob.

  3. What a fun first job! I'm sitting here catching up on your blog :)

  4. Really like the Alpha and Omega symbols for your post.

    First job- Working for Western Girl (like Kelly Girls)opening bill payments for Union Oil Company.
    First credit card- Sears
    First car- little white Nash Rambler 1962
    First hospitalization- tonsils age 4

    Last beverage- Iced Tea with lemon
    Last meal- lunch at California Pizza Kitchen (Hawaiian pizza)
    Last hospitalization- ER for kidney stone 20 years ago.

    Fun excercise.

    •First job: corn detasseler
    •First funeral: grandmother's
    •First piercing: earlobes at 15
    •First tattoo: none
    •First credit card: Mobil
    •First favorite musician/band: I plead the Fifth!
    •Last movie watched: Voyage of The Dawn treader
    •Last beverage drank: water
    •Last food consumed: granola bar
    •Last phone call: My friend Kelley
    •Last CD played: Emmy Lou Harris: Spyboy
    •Last website visited: Kansas Bob


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