Some of the things are common sense yet some are subtler. Here is the list:
- Get Conveniently Sick
- Lie on Your Job Application
- Be Disgusting
- Stay Anonymous
- Never Compromise
- Be Ungrateful
- Don't Respect the Chain of Command
- Spend Time With the Complainers, Non-Performers and Gossips
- Never Take Responsibility When Things Go Wrong
- Take Credit for Other People's Work

Ever run across one of these flaws where you work?
I agree a good list of bad behavior.
ReplyDeleteThis needs to be posted at every work place. LOL
ReplyDeleteThe biggest thing that stood out to me, (I work with nearly all women) is rule 8. Spending time with complainers and gossips. That is so hard to avoid. LOL I did rather well this year, but I had my moments where I was sucked in. (sad to say) Next year will be different.
Great post!
The last two are in the skill sets of too many successfull managers.