
Lessons my Son has taught Me

On Father's Day my thoughts go to that day when I became a father in July 1980. I cannot really describe what that day was like and did not have a clue about how this baby boy would impact and change my whole life. So today I thought that I would share a few thoughts about my son Matt and the lessons that he has taught me:
  • Courage: It was so hard to see Matt go back to Iraq for a second year long tour when he could have stayed stateside. He could have taken the easy way out but did not.
  • Commitment: He is such a loyal friend - he always has been. His decision to return to Iraq had everything to do with his commitment to his military comrades and to our country.
  • Optimism: Matt is an amazing optimist. He does not stay down very long. He has taught me to believe the best about a bad situation and see God in pain and suffering.
  • Vision: Matt started an oil company while serving his first tour in Iraq. I could hardly believe that he was doing that. It seemed so wild. He hit oil on two wells this year already.
  • Compassion: My son has such a heart for the Lord. When he talks about being successful he always speaks of ways of giving back to our country and the Lord..
  • Persistence: I attended Matt's graduation from a Christian university last month and felt so proud. He used the GI Bill to complete his studies. He could have given up but pressed on through difficult times and got his degree.
  • Love: The bible says that great love is measured by the way that we lay down our lives for others. I see this kind of love in my son and I am thankful.
So on this day in which we celebrate fathers I want to offer my thanks to the Father for my son Matt and my daughter Susie. Words seem inadequate to express my love for them.


  1. This is a wonderful tribute to your son. He sounds like a compassionate and serving person. Thanks for giving us a glimpse of your family.
    Have a terrific Father's Day yourself.

  2. Bob, what a wonderful tribute to your son. What impressive and selfless choices he has made in his life.

    I would be so proud too. Wonderful lesson from your son.

    Bob, hope you are having a great Father's Day too.

  3. This and your mother's day post were both touching. Happy father's day to such a loving father!


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