
It takes too much Cabbage to regulate Cabbage

I found this fascinating word count list (below) in my email inbox this morning. It pretty much explains why our government is so big and our legal system so complex.
  • Lord's prayer: ........................66 words.
  • Archimedes' Principle: ................67 words.
  • 10 Commandments: .....................179 words.
  • Gettysburg address: ..................286 words.
  • Declaration of Independence: .......1,300 words.
  • US Constitution with 27 Amendments: 7,818 words.
  • US Government regulations on the
    sale of cabbage: ..................26,911 words
I sometimes long for simpler days when fewer lawyers and lobbyists ran the country.


  1. Excellent! Not only the gov. but a lot of us need to learn to limit our words. Jesus had a way of getting to the point using only a few words. And I've heard the longest prayer in the Bible takes only about 3 minutes to pray.

  2. woops! looks like you've been fooled by that email!

  3. Thanks for the Snopes link TF! I usually validate before I hit publish but must have been a bit lazy last month.

    Even so, I do find our legal system to be quite voluminous and verbose. You get a peek at that enormity when you consider the size of the tax code.


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