
Quotes that Speak to Me

I am a bit of a quote collector. I have been collecting them for almost twenty years. In the past week I have received, via email, three quotes that speak deeply to me. I would like to share them with you along with a few transparent thoughts.
"First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others." -Thomas A Kempis
This one came last week and I had no clue concerning where I would be a week later. My week has been one of the most stressful I have had in a long time. Event after event has tried my inner peace. This quote speaks to me instructing me of the importance of being healthy on the inside. It challenges me on a deep level.
"We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."
-Frederick Keonig
In the middle of trying times we so need to appreciate the small things in life. When obstacles overwhelm us it is good to remember those times when larger ones were overcome. This quote speaks to me and helps me to find joy by appreciating the gifts, talents and the abilities I have been given and the life that I have.
"The greatest test of courage on the earth is to bear defeat without losing heart."
-R. G. Ingersoll
This one came Wednesday and it broke me to tears. I had begun to lose heart these past days as I focused on the difficulties. Stress levels seem to have accelerated with each new trial. Reading this quote reminded me that life is not for the faint of heart. Enduring difficult times will strengthen our hearts if we persevere and do not give in to despair.
Everything will be okay in the end. If it is not okay, then it is not the end. -Unknown
I stumbled upon this one as I composed this post. It made me smile. Adam Hamilton (my pastor) puts it this way - "The worst thing is never the last thing". A great quote to end with.


  1. Bob, you have been on my mind so much lately. Wondering how you and your wife were doing with the health issues and then the terrible weather situations in your area. Praying for all of you.
    Powerful quotes too. I need to chew on them for a while.

  2. Sorry to hear that things are rough, but I know the feeling.

    A quote I continue to repeat to myself from John Piper:

    "God is most glorified when I am most satisfied in Him."

    That means I am satisfied in want and when I am not in want. He keeps me going.

    God bless you, and my prayers are with you.

  3. I love these quotes.

    I'm praying for ya Bro!

  4. Thanks all for the thoughts and prayers. Feel free to email me and I will fill you in on the details.

  5. Wonderful quotes. It takes a good man to recognize The real good things in life. Will be praying for you, my brother and friend.

  6. Great quotes, Bob. I love how you can still bring a little wisdom to others, even in times of your own personal strife.

    You both are often in my thoughts.


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