
Lessons my Daughter has taught Me

A few months ago I told my daughter, Susie, that she was so much better of a parent than I was. Over the years I have watched her raise my grandson and granddaughter with such an amazing grace. So I thought that, on this Mothers Day weekend, that I'd take a few minutes to share some of the lessons that she has taught me about parenting and about life.
  • Advocacy: I have never seen a more tenacious mom than Susie. She will defend her children against anyone and anything that would come against them. She is the definition of a Momma Grizzly.
  • Bravery: Susie is one heroic woman. She has confronted major obstacles in her life with such resiliency and power. There is nothing that can defeat her.
  • Compassion: My daughter has a very tender side to her. You see it the most when she is around the kids. She communicates such a passionate love to them.
  • Discipline: I love the way that Susie disciplines the children. She is firm and unbending when they do something wrong. Then she comforts and encourages them later.
  • Education: Sometimes a single mom can give up on their dreams and settle for smaller ones. The way that Susie perseveres in her education makes me so proud.
  • Forgiving: I have watched my daughter grow in this area over the years and admire the way that she has been able to forgive and forget past failures.
  • Gladness: Susie is a fun person to be around. Her love of life is a bit contagious.
As you can tell, I am very proud of my daughter. And on this weekend dedicated to great Moms I wanted to take a few minutes to celebrate Susie and share a bit of her with you.


  1. This is a very touching and tender post Bob.
    You can be so proud of having such a wonderful daughter.

  2. This is a great post, Bob. What a lovely way to honor your daughter this Mother's Day.


  3. A very wonderful tribute to you daughter Susie. You have every right to be a proud father. Tell her I said, "Happy Mother's Day"

  4. What a wonderful tribute to a special daughter..

    I like her already!!!

  5. Lovely. We tend to "honor up" and celebrate our mothers, but you remembered to honor the motherhood of your daughter. Nothing could be better for a daughter than to receive the approval and regard of her father.

  6. Bob,

    What a wonderful daughter! And her father too. Thank God for both of you.

  7. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

  8. Great tribute to your daughter, Bob. I hope she reads your blog.

  9. Wonderful tribute. Tell her "good job" for us.

  10. Beautiful....she is so blessed to have a father who notices her in this way!

  11. Very powerful observations, a really great mom!


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