
Blogger Thank You Notes

Blogger, the Kansas Bob publishing platform of choice, was down yesterday and this morning (maybe longer?). Instead of getting mad about it I thought I would share a few Thank You notes ala Late Night with Jimmy Fallon:
  • Thank you Blogger for many years of uninterrupted service. One day without you reminds me of how much I take you for granted every day you are quietly at work.
  • Thank you Blogger for being just the right price for my budget. We retired folks like free things that are easy to use.
  • Thank you Blogger for the scheduling feature. Sometimes I just have too many inspirational intuitions to share in one day.
  • Thank you Blogger for the cool new template designer. I haven't used it yet but I have experimented with it.
  • Thank you Blogger for adapting to personal domain names. I like being - and the other kansasbob blog too.
  • Thank you Blogger for group blogs. I love being a part of the Daily Prayer blog.
  • Thank you Blogger for giving me a day off yesterday. Blogaholics like me need help in taking a break - even when we have such important things to day.
What blogging platform do you use? What do you like most about it?


  1. I use Blogger like you. I like it because it is easy to use, has never given me any problems, and like you said is affordable.

    I didn't get mad either. I have been using this since February 2009 (not long) but have never had any problem with it. So, if they go off line for a day or so, oh well, it is like everything else in this world: imperfect. Therefore, periodically there will be bumps in the road.

    Thank you Blogger that the down time wasn't worse or longer! Appreciate all that you provide.

    Thanks Bob for a reminder to be kind the things we take for granted. Good job!

  2. Oh dear....sweet Bob, I must confess...I was a little upset yesterday when blogger wasn't available...but you have given all the great reasons I should have just been happy about it..

    Didn't realize what a blogalcholic I am.....

  3. Thanks for the reminders! I hated losing some comments on my posts but, it could have been a whole lot worse. I, too, am thankful for the creative tool. Blogger fits my simple mind like a size 11 shoe.

  4. It's working now! I use wordpress and like it so far.

  5. I was a bit frustrated by Blogger being down, which means its being down was probably a good thing. I too have a tendency to be a blogaholic and need to get away from it occasionally. Besides it is hard to complaint given the price of the service.


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