
Top Three Toons

This cute Shoebox cartoon reminds me of all of the great cartoons I have enjoyed over the years.

Here are my top three:

      1) Dilbert
      2) Peanuts
      3) Farside

What are your top three?


  1. Wow, that is very difficult to narrow it down to three. Let me try:

    Pickels, Family Circle, and Foxtrot.

    Gregg Metcalf
    Colossians 1:28-29

    Gospel-driven Disciples

  2. Have to say Peanuts for my #1. I have had dogs named Charlie Brown, Lucy, Red Baron, and my current dog is Peanut.

    #2 is Dilbert. Saw so many truths in there from when I worked in a corporate setting.

    #3 is hard to say...I always liked Blondie growing up, but don't read the comics like I used to. I do enjoy doing the "Find the Differences" each week with my son.

  3. It is difficult for me to pick the top three. I may change my mind after this is posted, but for now, my favorites are...

    Calvin & Hobbes (always brilliant)

    The Far Side (crazy genius)

    Peanuts (everyone could relate)

  4. Like everyone else, its hard to choose. I like Pickles, Zits and Luann. Of course that makes me eliminate Family Circus, Farside, Peanuts and Dilbert.
    What's a person to do???

  5. I like Peanuts, Wizard of ID and Calvin and Hobbes.

  6. Its a hard choice, but I would go with:
    Peanuts, The Wizard of ID and Calvin and Hobbes
    with Fox Trot as an honorable mention

  7. Great toons listed here for sure. Reminds me that my #4 would probably be "The Wizard of ID".. and, if pressed, Beetle Bailey would be #5.

  8. Calvin and Hobbes; Peanuts; Farside - in no particular order. (Good choices btw, Eddie!) :D


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