
Friday Revelation

I invite you list your blog's details if you regularly visit this blog.
Please feel free to list your blog's name and URL in the comments.
Also, please tell us a little about you and your blog.


  1. I have the second greatest blog in the world, I enjoy commenting on current events, faith, and politics. I've done movie reviews, written short stories, written song lyrics, and wrote new amendments to the constitution.

  2. And jrchaard is a bit remiss in not saying how much he enjoys writing about our beloved president.

  3. I am doing a bibbity bobbity blog that tries to engage the mind in reflective theological thoughts and humor. (or humour for the British)
    It can't hurt ya to take a peek:

  4. I have a little blog where I post my musings, and an occasional rant.

  5. Nothing special about my blog. It's just a hodgepodge about different topics I find interesting :-)


  6. On my Brushstrokes blog, I have a variety of topics and family and retired life. On Wednesday's I'm a part of ABC Wed. where we post a picture for the letter of the alphabet. Also am part of Sky Watch Friday...posting sky pictures each Friday. Try to do a Sunday Meditation weekly.
    Also have an Art Blog to share art with several other artists, and from time to time we do a "Art Challenge"....

    Thanks Bob for the advertisement.

  7. I blog on a number of theological topics and issues. I blog for four specific reasons:

    To expose my readers to a variety of spiritually beneficial topics, books, articles, and thought

    To edify or build up my readers in the faith once for all time delivered to the saints

    To exalt the glorious character of our Lord Jesus Christ

    To expand a passion for the supremacy of God in all things

    Thanks Bob!
    Gregg Metcalf
    Colossians 1:28-29

    Gospel-driven Disciples

  8. Inspirational quotes and beautiful scenes from God's creation...

    Facets of Grace:

  9. My blog is about attempting to look at theology and apologetics from simple common sense point of view and explain the issues without unnecessary complications.


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