
Doomsday: Save the Date

Have you seen one of these billboards? Apparently Harold Camping, the 89-year-old president of the Family Radio Network, has set the date for Christ's return. He also predicted the event for September 6, 1994. You can read more about it his prediction here.

I do not expect Christ to return next month. But he may return today.


  1. Harold Camping is a false prophet that has ruined the good reputation that Family Radio once had.

  2. Scripture very clearly says no one knows the day or hour of Christ's return, but it seems like there is always someone who refuses to take God's word for it.

  3. This i so sad and a very bad witness to the world. I wonder what story he has up his sleeve for May 22?

  4. We got a similar billboard from these... guys in Orlando. I don't remember exactly where, but it's there.

  5. I'm so tired of modern escatology. Thing of the plague and the dark ages. I think those people had more of a reason to believe the end times are coming.


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