
Challenging Fate

Some days we can, like Calvin, have a pretty fatalistic view of the future. The idea of "fate" can be a very dicey one. Many things have been said about it. Yesterday I came across this Diana Trilling quote that got me to thinking:
"There's much to be said for challenging fate instead of ducking behind it."
I love the idea that fate is something to be challenged and not a force to be acquiesced to.
I wrote a post in 2005 titled Faith and Fatalism. Here is a clip from it:
So what exactly is the difference between true faith in God's sovereignty and a fatalistic view. I think that we can find the answer in the outcome of each. In essence faith causes us to press in, seek, and overcome - fatalism causes us to give up. Faith inspires hope in tomorrow while fatalism offers only fear. Faith affirms God's love for us ... fatalism embraces the worst of our fears.

Fatalism is very subtle because it can mask itself in very religious ways. We can mistake a sort of spiritual paralysis as "waiting on the Lord". We can be immobilized by fear and think that we are living in dependence on God ... all the while not taking risks ... not stepping out in faith ... thinking that God will move when even when our hearts are dark with fatalism.
In my thinking fatalism has never done anything for me except get me depressed. In contrast faith has brought life to my life and has caused me to hope against all hope in the darkest of times. Can you relate to having a fatalist view?

1 comment:

  1. I agree there is nothing as deadening as fatalism. God works through us to accomplish His purposes, but fatalism tells us everything we do is hopeless. It is ultimately limiting God's power to change us and our situation. But it is sometimes hard to shake off.


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