
One Out of Eight lacks Safe Drinking Water

Ever since I was born I have never really known what it is like to lack the basic necessity of clean drinking water. Even when I traveled to remote parts of the Philippines I still had clean bottled water to drink. Consider this excerpt from the World Water Day website:
In contrast to easy access to taps and toilets across the United States, today much of the world faces a global safe drinking water and sanitation crisis. One out of every eight people lacks safe drinking water and two out of every five people lack adequate sanitation.

World Water Day is March 22. Recognized by the United Nations and the global community, World Water Day reminds us that much of the world still faces a global water and sanitation crisis, and that it is our urgent obligation to act. This year, a coalition of diverse US-based groups is calling for increased commitments by the US government and private citizens to reduce poverty, disease and hunger by helping to improve sustainable access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation for many millions around the world.
My goal in sharing this today is to simply raise the awareness about this global crisis.

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