
Irish Japan

Like other cities we in Kansas City have a great St Patrick's Day parade. Yet, like many cities that parade, we are not really an Irish City. Probably the last place I would think of for a St Pat's parade would be Tokyo. Consider this message from Irish folks in that city:
We decided to postpone for 20th St. Patrick's day Parade on 13th of March. Because of horrible earthquake today. Now we don't decide another day or schedule. Please wait for our information until we'll advise you. I would like to express my hearty sympathy. Still aftershock, please take care of yourself.
Each morning there seems to be a new heartbreaking event in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. My prayers go out to them and to those Irish, and not, in Japan I offer the last line of the Irish Blessing: May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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