
Generosity Rules

This funny cartoon points out a strange phenomenon - people need rules to tell them how to be generous. I really don't want to debate the rules.. be they tithing or tipping.. I just want to say that being generous is not really about meting out a certain percentage. These things come when we live from our brains and not our hearts. My thinking is that it is better to live from a generous heart than a stingy mind.


  1. I try to consider a minimum when tipping because I know they count on a certain percentage... but when I find myself overly calculating, whether in tips or tithe, I find there's a great deal of pride behind it telling me, "Look what you did! Add it up and see how much it's been for the year!" Then I start to get stingy, thinking, "Whoa. I've given enough!" Scripture says not to think about my giving. It's hard - but so good for us.

  2. The thing that I love to do the most Missy is let generosity trump my brain. If I get poor service at a restaurant my head tells me to be stingy then I let generosity trump it. I have done the same thing with church and other non-profit stuff. So many times it just does not make sense to be generous yet the aftermath of generosity is so great.

  3. In the past couple of years I've tried to live generously rather than follow rules on giving of any kind. I've found that I give more rather it's in a church setting or a restaurant.

  4. Actually it becomes easier when you realize that tithing is an OT part of Israel's relations with God that for the most part dealt with produce, fruit, wine, wheat, crops, etc.

    For the NT church, there is no percentage, it is free will offering based on the generosity of the giver.

    First, for the NT Christian it is not 10% for God and 90% for me, it is 100% God's and the amount is left to us based on our decision, income, cheerfulness, and the realization that stingy giving results in less blessing and sacrificial giving results in greater blessing. (II Cor 9)

    Therefore it is 15% for waitresses and 100% for God. Grace allow us to keep some in order to provide for our needs, pay taxes, and give to others.

  5. Being a waitress in college, and tips helped pay the way... I adored generous people. I always tried to be the best waitress too, and had many generous people. As as result, I am a generous tipper, and believe if you have bad service, you can say "I think you must be having a hard day, I hope this will sweeten the pot a little" and then give a generous tip.
    I agree...It God has 100% of our heart..we won't have trouble giving!

  6. I love that last statement Wanda! Generosity is a reflection of the condition of our heart.

  7. great post (and cute comment). I think giving generously is a two way blessing if given from the heart. I know a lot of people who don't give handouts to homeless people because the person is probably going to use if for drugs or alcohol. I enjoy giving to those people because I know that even if they are an addict on the street, they started out just like .... us.


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