
Top Ten Banned Websites at Work

ZDNet has a list of the top ten websites that are banned at workplaces. I thought that it might be fun, since many of you are snowed in today, to ask you to identify which one of these websites did not make their list:
  1. Facebook
  2. Blogger
  3. MySpace
  4. YouTube
  5. DoubleClick
  6. Twitter
  7. Meebo
Does your company restrict websites? Which one of these did not make the top ten?


  1. I don't know what what Doubleclick or Meebo is, but I am coming to the point that I wish they were banned on my home office. I have allowed them at one time or another consume to much of my time.

    Interesting that these are social networks.

  2. None of the sites on their list are blocked at work, but adult sites and sites that are security risks are blocked.


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