
Life: Understood Backwards but Lived Forwards

I think that most of us can relate to the squares on the grid shown on the left. Soren Kierkegaard once said:

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."

I love how we can learn from past mistakes, disasters, resistance and successes.. both our own and those of others.. to walk forward in life.


  1. I've never seen this grid. Very interesing, and yes, learning from past mistakes, can almost guarantee success.

    Thanks for your prayers for Don. Came through the procedure great. No pain, no bleeding or nausea, and he feels really good today.

  2. That quote is so simple but so deep.
    The grid makes so much sense too.
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    Always enjoy your posts though I don't often comment. You do get me thinking, which is good for my addled brain.


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