
The Illusion of Networks.. Social and Otherwise

This funny Shoebox cartoon reminds me that our online personas do not always mesh with reality. It is good to acknowledge that carefully crafted profiles on blogs and facebook profiles often do not match reality. These online venues can be masks presenting pretty pictures and lofty descriptions of people we do not know.

On the flip-side I doubt that many of us really know the people that we regularly interact with. Who has not been surprised by friends? A few years ago one of my religious friends was caught doing drugs, losing lots of money gambling and running around on his wife.

Maybe there is a bit of illusion in all friend networks?


  1. I find it interesting how I sometimes form an image in my mind of what someone might look like by their writing or whatnot, and when I see a photo or actually meet them, I'm a bit surprised...maybe they are too.

    I've met five bloggers, and the meeting has always been very pleasant. I have formed two very good friendships from blogging.

  2. I do that more with voices, Beverly. If I hear someone's voice before seeing them I get an idea of what I think they will look like, and am frequently wrong.

  3. I present myself as an Old Geezer. It can only get better from there :-)

  4. I think it is often really hard to truly know someone. It is said most of us marry strangers and only find out what we are really like afterward. I think it is often the same in other departments of life, with or without the internet involved.

  5. I have to agree Mad Mike, you have to spend time with someone to really know them.. and even then there are no guarantees.

  6. I have to admit I try to take pictures not showing my double chin...or my missing teeth .HaHaHa.

    (Please do not enlarge my pics.)


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