
Anybody still using AOL?

Today AOL disclosed plans to acquire online news website Huffington Post for $315 million. It caused me to ask "Does anyone use AOL anymore?" I remember having an AOL account for 90 days back in the 90s when they offered free trials and sent you a special CD to load it up. Do you know of anyone still using AOL?


  1. I do actually have an AOL account. I do not use it, but I check it from time to time, and there are still some people who write me there.

    However, 75% of the e-mails are spam. They don't have a very good filter.

  2. It's a great place to send my junk email.

  3. I've never used AOL, although my kids used their instant messenger when they were in high school - many years ago.

  4. I've never used it, but my pastor does. It's the only web mail system he likes (and he's younger than me!!)

    When we went to set up another account for the church to use just for our new contemporary service (people can email questions to him during the sermon and he answers them later in the service) he insisted the new account be aol. So weird.

  5. I have never used it nor do I know anybody that does.

  6. Maybe one day people will be asking "Anyone still using Google or Gmail?" We all have our pet technologies. :)


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