
Take Time to Smell

I love Ziggy and I love clichés like this one. Even so, I love the idea of putting time in our schedules to slow down and experience the smaller beauties and wonders that life offers us. Here is the Walter Hagen quote in full:

You're only here for a short visit. Don't hurry, don't worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.”

Sign me Just Visiting.


  1. Ziggy is one of my favorites too.

    Don and I plan to slow down this year. I will email you some details.

  2. I'm just passing through too. I really want to stop and smell the flowers along the way. Its great advice.
    The best to you and Ann.

  3. Greetings from Scotland KB & Ann.

    Happy New Year to you and yours.

    I need to form the habit of taking time to smell the flowers.

    Keep on keeping on KB.

  4. I love Ziggy also. He is usually for some good pithy statements that can be turned in axioms.

  5. At the risk of reviving an old Nissan TV ad.......

    Life's a journey. Enjoy the ride!


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