
Do you have a Home Office?

Last year the LifeHacker site had an amazing set of home workspaces at their blog. Check them out here.

Got me to wondering how many people have a separate room in their home that they call an office. We used to before we moved. Ann had a desk, computer and a bunch of files in the room.. and sometimes it got a bit cluttered.

Do you have one? Do you actually work in the office or just mess around?


  1. I am posting this note from my home office. School teacher and preacher, both of us spend lots of time here, it has a couch, chair, and bookcase in addition to the computer area.

  2. That office looks nice Bob.
    I'd love a room like an office or a study but I would probably call it my library.
    I dream of having a two story room, with high bookshelves and one of those nifty ladders that runs on rails, so you can zoom around the room. Or a balcony around the second level of the room so you can always be at 'book height'.
    I think large french windows (with tiny panes that are super hard to clean) that open on to a balcony, with a beautiful view, decent shade, and comfortable seating would be nice.
    Also a chaise longue, a fireplace and a big walnut desk would be lovely! Did I mention a grand piano? That would top my dream off nicely.

  3. Oh and a secret door that you open by pulling out a book or a wall lamp. Behind the door would be a staircase to a little tower or a way to get to the upper balcony.

  4. When Don and I retired and moved to Southern CA ~ we downsized to a small home with two bedrooms. We turned one into what we call the "Media" Room, my desk and computer, Don's desk and computer, the TV and Don's recliner, and a Rocking Chair. We spend a lot of time in the "media room".

  5. I have a home office. Previous owners had tried to make a mother in law apt out of the garage. They gave up early. By building a wall connecting three existing walls I built an office space. Carpeted the floor, painted, hung curtains and moved in my desk, hutch, book cases, books, fax, computer, etc.

    It is separate from the office, therefore private and I use it for bible study, devotions, and as the "church" office for the new church we hope to plant this year.

    I have outgrown it, need more room...

  6. Not really....we put a computer desk downstairs in what was the dining room and us that for the PC. My personal home office is my reclining chair and my laptop :)

  7. Thanks all for sharing your home office stories. These days I write from my kitchen table or my recliner. Ah, the beauty of laptopping. :)


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