
10 Most Technophobic Movies

Got a note from Florine @ the College Crunch site telling me about a post with the same name as this one. Here are a few excerpts from the intro:
"Technophobia" is a pretty easy word to break down: fear of technology, specifically of advanced computers or other devices and a belief that they will lead to humanity's ruin. ... real technophobia deals with tech gone awry, taking over a person or city or world in order to execute its own lethal agenda.
I have never really taken this seriously - although I still wonder if the government will one day mandate that a chip be implanted in our wrists or forehead.. as in the mark of the beast in the book of Revelation. I can see that happening as a reaction to identity theft. Even so I am not fearful about it and have not thought about it lately. Here is their list of most technophobic movies and a few of my comments:
  1. The Matrix - loved the imagination.
  2. WALL-E - have not seen it.
  3. The Terminator - love the idea of time travel.
  4. Frankenstein - this one scared me silly when I was young.
  5. The Day the Earth Stood Still - saw the recent version.
  6. Metropolis - have not seen it.
  7. Demon Seed - have not seen it.
  8. Jurassic Park - an interesting take on Dinosaur DNA.
  9. Avatar - was surprised that the story was pretty good.
  10. Star Trek - been a Trekker since the Kirk and Spock.
I recommend that you read the entire post here. They have good insights.

Are you a technophobe? Can you think of other technophobic movies?


  1. I'm no technophobe, my fear is more of what humans will do with the technology.

    "...your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." --
    Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park

  2. Good delineation Mike. Technology is neutral. Until it becomes sentient anyways. :)

  3. Wall-E is cute, Bob. It would make a sweet Valentine's Day movie for you and Ann. In the end, it's the good droids against the bad droids and the good droids win.

    I think Mike has the right idea too. It's not the technology, it's what humanity chooses to do with it. I recently read some Japanese scientists are going to try to bring back the Wooly Mammoth. To what end, I wonder, well, besides human ego. Why not try working to save the endangered animals (tigers) we still have instead?

  4. Just watched Matthew Broderick in War Games last week. Now that's a scary one (only because it seems so probable).


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