
Happy New Year !!

Ann and I are staying in and may not make it to midnight.
Are you staying in or going out?


  1. We are staying in. We were invited to a church party, but I sent our regrets. We will be going to bed by the time it starts.

    2011 will come whether I'm awake or asleep.

  2. Happy new year. We too are staying in and probably won't make it to midnight.

  3. We are going to some friends of our church....starts at 7 and I have a feeling my dearest and I will not make it to midnight....we'll see!!!

  4. To answer your question, Bob.......y.y.a....a.....w.w...........n.

    Happy New Year to you and all KB readers! :)

  5. Happy New Year! I look forward to another year knowing you, Bob!

  6. i just went to the rooftop 15min to midnight to watch the fireworks. Happy New Year!!!

  7. Hi Bob

    Happy New Year From Southern California.

    Don't forget to watch the 122nd Rose Parade on New Year's Day coming from Pasadena, California...only 30 miles from The Old Geezer's home :-)

    No matter what looms ahead, if you can eat today, enjoy today, mix good cheer with friends today enjoy it and bless God for it. ~Henry Ward Beecher

    May God Bless and Protect You in the Year to Come. ~Ron

  8. Had a great time with Brazilian church family and then a two block walk to the Recife beach to watch fireworks. Happy New Year to you Bob, from south of the border.

  9. We stayed in and had dinner at home with our pastor and his wife and another couple.

    We had home made tamales, enchaldas, rice and beans. I made a home made chili and mole. It was a great time of fun, fellowship, and food.

    Happy New Year to you and Ann!


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