
Goodbye Kodachrome

Dwayne's Photo in Parsons, KS, is the last remaining photo lab in the world to process the color slide film. But today Dwayne's is closing the proverbial Kodachrome door and officially ending its processing service.

I do not miss film cameras. I love taking photos on my phone and on my digital camera. Seems like I always have a camera when I need it. What memories do you have of Kodachrome and film cameras?


  1. My first camera was a little Box Brownie with a roll of film.

    As you, I love my Cannon Power shot! It's always with me.

  2. Some things I just can't get nostalgic about (in the sense of long for the "good old days"). Film photography is one of them. I can't think of a single thing that was better about film than digital. Film was a lot more expensive. Film didn't allow you to review your shots to see if you got a good one (so you'd end up with multiple shots of every post). Film required you to pay for every good bad shot you took to have it processed. Film took time to process. And, perhaps the best thing about digital(putting this as a positive) is the ability to instantly share photos. Now, if I go somewhere and don't have my camera or just don't feel like lugging it out, I know I can get all the shots my siblings took via on-line sharing services.

    I just bought a new dSLR camera after about 10 years of using compacts and I'm exploring SLR photography all over again.

  3. Love the quality and variety of your blog, blessing on the new year. I started with slides, and thankfully converted most of them digitally a few years ago. I still own a nice Kodak slide projector I found at a church sale in case I decide to view my parents dozen slide carousels I inherited. They are fungus eaten with age, sadly.
    I love the digital photography age.

  4. I was just talking about photo dev. huts when I was a kid, working the one hour machine when I was at Osco, and having to discount pictures developed when I was at Osco and Pharmor. I remember how many pictures of my own would never turn out. Now, I take like 10 pictures of the same thing and let my poor wife sort through the ones to keep.


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