
Friday Fun with Yoda

I am a bit under the weather today so I give you this image from the Shoebox blog along with a few Friday questions and my answers.

Q) Do you plan to Carol this year?
A)  Only in my shower. :)

Q) Would you go to see Star Wars VII?
A)  I'd probably wait for it on DVD.

Q) Have you mailed Christmas cards yet?
A)  Hoping to mail them this weekend.

Q) What is your favorite Christmas Carol?
A)  O Holy Night

Q) Your favorite Christmas memory?
A)  Watching my kids open presents.

Please feel free to join in the fun and share your answers in the comments section.


  1. Q) Do you plan to Carol this year?
    A) Nope. . . Okay I do sing off key and loud at work

    Q) Would you go to see Star Wars VII?
    A) I'd probably wait for it on DVD.. . and rent in from Red Box

    Q) Have you mailed Christmas cards yet?
    A) I don't do Christmas cards SAVE THE TREES! (Okay I put it off and miss out on sending them)

    Q) What is your favorite Christmas Carol?
    A) Depends on who's singing it and my mood

    Q) Your favorite Christmas memory?
    A) Dad removing the hay from the roof on a snowy winters night so that we would believe that the reindeer ate it.

  2. Q) Do you plan to Carol this year?
    A) No, my daughter asked me the same question, and I told her the same answer. I thought that I would spare listeners, if there would be any.

    Q) Would you go to see Star Wars VII?
    A) I would like to. I have always gone to see the Star Wars movies in the theaters.

    Q) Have you mailed Christmas cards yet?
    A) No, because I am horrible at getting them altogether and then forgetting them at home so they never get mailed. I is bad!

    Q) What is your favorite Christmas Carol?
    A) I have to say "Oh Holy Night" as well. Great song! I always get goosebumps when I listen to it. The version that Point of Grace sings is beautiful!

    Q) Your favorite Christmas memory?
    A) I have had so many wonderful Christmas memories that it is so hard to pick just one. (I loved Milly's response! How sweet) I am at a loss at what to say. Now I am thinking about them all. Awww! I love Christmas! Maybe this year will be my favorite or maybe I can add it to my list of wonderful Christmas's.


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