
How did you vote?

No, I am not interested "who" or "what" you voted for but "how" you voted. When Ann and I got to the polls this afternoon we were slowed down because there was only one voting machine. Guess KC is technically challenged. After waiting in line a bit we did paper ballots instead. These were then scanned in. So "how" did you vote? Paper or Machine?


  1. Paper ballots. They tried the computer type once in my district once and the count was so screwed up, they never tried it again.

  2. We had a choice. I used the machine.

  3. Our ballots were mailed to us over two weeks ago along with a Voter's Pamphlet. After voting in the comfort of my study, I dropped our ballots off at a ballot collection box on the curb near the Post Office.

    Didn't have to go out nor choose between paper or machine. Could have mailed it from our own mailbox but we were going out anyway.

  4. We have voted absentee ballot for years. So we voted before our trip to Tahoe... Watching the TV tonight to see the results!

  5. Paper. Still a long line though. Love that there is good voter turnout.

  6. Paper. Still a long line though. Love that there is good voter turnout.

  7. Surprising how many of us are still using paper ballots after the whole "hanging Chad" debacle in Florida's 2000 presidential election.

  8. Hi Bob,

    There's no hanging chad to cause a problem on the ballots we have. You use a pen and fill in the little oval next to the name of the candidate for whom you are voting.

    BTW, do you remember computer punch cards and the piles of punchies that collected under the machine? Instant and utterly annoying confetti for nerds! LOL!

  9. @crownring - I do remember punch cards. Wrote my first computer programs on them in the 70s.

  10. Machine all the way, baby! There were about 8 machines and they had this scrolling dial and some buttons. You could request paper if you preferred.

  11. @beachteacher - Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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