
Temple Grandin | ★★★★★★★★★★

I do not know if I have ever been so moved by a movie as I was in watching actress Claire Danes beautifully portray Temple Grandin. This made for TV movie might be the most inspirational one that I will ever see.

Dr Temple Grandin inspires hope in all of us. The story tells us of her battle with autism and how she amazed everyone she met - even those who made fun of her. Temple amazed me at every turn. Her genius thrilled me. Her ability to explain autism to us is amazing. In scene after scene Temple presents a picture of how each of us can turn our fears inside out.

I highly highly recommend this movie and, on a scale of ten, I give Temple Grandin ★★★★★★★★★★.

Catch my other mini-reviews by selecting the Movies link in the menu bar above.


  1. It is truly an amazing film about an extraordinary woman! It moved me so much, I bought the book!

  2. She will be speaking at KSU in Manhattan KS on Nov. 9.

  3. I first learned of this movie when I watched the Emmy awards. It won a lot of Emmys including best Movie and best actress.

  4. Thanks Deb. Looks like her talk will be streamed on the web. Here is the link:

  5. Thanks for sharing about this, I will for sure check it out. Having recently worked with Autistic adults for the last 6 months my interest is more personal that it was before. Sounds like an inspirational woman!


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