
Life as a River

This picture is one that I took from my deck a while back. If you look close you can see the Missouri River flowing by. This afternoon I am writing from my wife Ann's hospital room as droplets of chemo drip into her veins. Sometimes these things stress me out but today I am thinking about this interesting quote that I read this morning credited to a fictional character named Wayne Malloy:

    "Life is like a river, kid. You gotta go where it takes you."

It reminds me so much of that time almost 8 years ago when my world was falling apart as Ann lay paralyzed from the waist down in our cruise ship on the Caribbean. I was totally stressed and in the middle of crisis when God began to quietly speak to me about flowing with Him in life and not trying to control my life. As I sit here I am once again reminded that my life is not a project to be managed but a journey to be traveled. An adventure to be experienced. And along the way I see God at work when I open my inner eyes to his activity.


  1. I will pray for you and your wife, Ann. I wish I could do more. God is our only anchor in times like this. May he comfort you and Ann through this valley. Please let her know that many are praying for her.

  2. Thanks Eddie! I so appreciate the prayers.

    I think God has weighed anchor and is steering my boat down that river called life. And, lol, I am enjoying the ride.

  3. I too, have stopped to pray and will continue to pray. I am not much into philosophical saying, but surely I am into prayer and the needs of God's wonderful people.

  4. Thanks for praying Gregg! I so appreciate your heart to pray for us.

    Not sure about philosophical sayings but I can sling Christina clichés with the best of them. :)

  5. My heart goes out to you. I've been doing similar things. My hubs has had a traumatic summer with prostate cancer and all the treatments. We think we are at the end, and then something else pops up. All we can do is trust the Lord.

  6. Sorry to hear about your husband Linda. Prayers that life will spring forth in the midst of this difficult situation.

  7. After I read this entry to your blog, I offered a prayer for the two of you.

  8. Life as a River ~~ What a good quote.

    Thinking of you sitting by Ann's bed and being inspired and encouraged by you two, as a couple, and as a picture of faith in human skin.

    Love you both

  9. Thanks Wanda! I always appreciate your words of encouragement.

  10. I love the line, "life is not a project to be managed but a journey to be traveled..." Perhaps even a journey to be enjoyed, although we often find so much to complain about.

    Part of the reason I have not been on-line over the past few months is having to deal with my wife and a problem she is having. It might make the journey a little bumpier sometimes, but don't many people pay to ride a roller coaster?

    You have my prayers.

  11. Thanks for the prayers Spherical. Ann is doing well this evening.

    Agree with your take.. I wonder.. maybe I need to train myself to like roller coasters and canoe trips. :)


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