
Halloween Costumes at Work?

Last night the folks at The Office (TV show) all wore costumes. For the record I have never dressed up for Halloween at work.. but I have enjoyed it when others donned costumes. One of my favorites was when a fellow coworker dressed up as Dilbert. Heard this morning that sales dollars from the adult Halloween costume industry rivals kids' costumes.

I do not remember seeing adults in costume when I was growing up. I cannot even imagine my mom or dad celebrating Halloween that way. Back then we never.. I mean never.. bought our costumes. I can remember trick or treating as a hobo one year and a cowboy (using my toy guns) another year. And I think I remember once seeing a mom answering the door in a witches hat.

What did you wear when you trick or treated? Does your office support wearing costumes?


  1. When I worked at an AFB in the 80s as a civilian employee, we were allowed to dress up for Halloween. The military personel in my office wore costumes too and it was an enjoyable time. When I was young it was homemade costumes, either a ghost or a witch.

  2. I vaguely remember a job or two where they encouraged us to dress up for Halloween. I did, but just find the idea annoying now. Modern Family adressed this the other night and it was hilarious.

  3. Yes, I did dress up several times while working for Property Management. Once I was Raggedy Ann, wore my son in laws Army gear. And was a clown and a hobo.

    As a child...we always made our own costumes, and by the way..the ones I used as an adult were mostly from the thrift shop.

  4. At the school were I teach they don't allow either the staff or the students to wear Halloween costumes or dress up...and...if the students do they will send them home. Our principal is a religious fundamentalist who apparently feels it is o.k. to impose his fundamentalism on everyone else...sigh

  5. I never dressed up for work but always had a homemade costume for Halloween. I was usually a princess or a bride in my folks curtains.

  6. I recall being a pirate. Arrrgh! Those were the days, matey!

  7. All I can say is the Post-It Zombie/Mummy is a stitch! LOL!

    Hmmm...never dressed up at work and never bought a costume. My parents did not approve of the holiday, so there was no trick or treating either. I did dress up as a flapper for a Girl Scout Halloween party.......and won a prize! Had it not been a girls only party, I think my Scout leader would have been scandalized by my rather skimpy attire. I also doubled as a hanging corpse for our exceedingly cheesy makeshift "house of horrors".... I can still hear the screams. Hey, I was cold enough in my flapper costume to feel like a corpse!

    Those were the days.........LOL!

  8. You're SO right...back when I was a kid (in the 60s,yikes!)...I never knew of anyone "buying" a costume. My favorite costume was as a pilgrim...a really great costume that my friend's mom sewed/made. I've not ever dressed up for work in costume..although lately, that's becoming popular.

  9. Thanks all for sharing your Halloween stories.


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