Today is another one of those fake holidays - this one seems to benefit places like Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts and other places that not only serve the brown stuff but also sell it in bean form. I am sitting and typing on my deck and just caught a whiff of coffee from the downtown KC Folgers plant.. aaah.. nothing like the aroma of coffee in the afternoon.. or anytime. Anywho, I present you this image to commemorate the day and advertise the stuff that I have been drinking since I retired - just can't handle pure high-test anymore.
What brand and flavor are you drinking these days?
Mostly Starbucks - various blends. Occasionally Folgers Gourmet.
ReplyDeleteCurrently drinking Folgers or a Central American blend.
ReplyDeleteJava Delight, light breakfast blend at home. (grind it at our local Albertson Super Market.)
ReplyDeleteFrom time to time I need to have a Grande Triple Nonfat latte w/whip from Starbucks...
Depends on what I can afford.
ReplyDeleteI really like Don Pablos (we got it from CostCo). It's affordable and tasty.
I avoid the Mermaid as much as possible, just not a fan.
I've roasted my own and that's a great route. I also like to buy from a local roaster when I remember to.
Right now we have had to forgo our rather expensive flavored coffee and have been settling with Yuban.
ReplyDeleteI have become a fan of Starbucks. It took me a long time. I would really love a good strong cup of Haitian coffee right now.
ReplyDeleteI drink the Kroger Value coffee...I don't think I've ever had any "good" stuff.