
10 Surprising Things

Sue, my Daily Prayer blogging partner, tagged me yesterday and asked me to share ten surprising things about Bob. I hesitate to list these as I am a pretty boring person but in the spirit of Friday fun I give you my list:
  1. I was a little guy growing up and was bullied a bit.
  2. I love to shoot pool - been doing it for 50 years.
  3. I managed a Nike missile launching site before I turned 21.
  4. I took a bus, ferry boat and subway to high school.
  5. I was a radical member of a New York labor union.
  6. My first wife was healed of blindness in a church.
  7. I smuggled bibles into China in 1987.
  8. I regularly spoke extemporaneously in church in my thirties.
  9. I left a software career to help pastor a church.
  10. I recently left the suburbs to live in a downtown KC loft.
Not sure who among you would like to be tagged so I will tag everyone. Feel free to list one or more things about you that might surprise me in the comments. Or accept the tag and post something at your place and let me know if you do. And have a Happy Friday!!


  1. Color me thoroughly surprised, Bob! Not boring at all.

  2. Wow. Some amazing stuff on that list. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I am curious about your church background. Why, or really what was the context of your speaking extemporaneously? Where did you pastor? I am curious, why aren't you pastoring now? No biggy I just like being curious.

    Also, thank you so much for praying for me on Labor Day and asking others to pray also. The Lord knows I need a job or a ministry.

  4. Very interesting and diverse. I would love to live in a downtown area.

  5. A few links that might shed some light on my story:

    ++ my testimony

    ++ my extemporaneous speaking

    ++ One of my sermons on video.. other sermons can be accessed on the sidebar there.

    ++ my decision to leave pastoral ministry

  6. One other link that might shed a little background on my religious past:

    Confessions of a Charismatic Fundamentalist


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