
Weeping for Our Wounded

Another interesting bit of information from the Sunday morning news shows was this offered by General Peter Chiarelli in his interview on "This Week with Christiane Amanpour" -
About 106,000 soldiers had "a prescription of three weeks or more" for pain, depression or anxiety medication. ... A portion of those 106,000 soldiers that I told you are on some kind of pain medication, it has nothing to do with a behavior health issue. There are soldiers who have been on two, three, four deployments, hucking a rucksack filled with equipment that may weigh 70 to 80 pounds at 8,000 feet, and they've got a knee injury or a leg injury that is painful. Probably should stay home and get operated on, but they go back for the second deployment, and they're on some kind of a pain medication. We have soldiers who suck it up all the time and hide from their leaders when they're hurt.
According to a Politifact online piece:
Chiarelli was referring to information in the Army's Health Promotion, Risk Reduction, and Suicide Prevention Report, released Aug. 5, 2010. This seemed like an important issue to explore further.

The report explains that historically, the Army's suicide rate has been much lower than the civilian population's. But the Army's rate began increasing in 2004 and surpassed the national average in 2008. That year, the suicide rate in the Army was 20.2 per 100,000, compared with a typical civilian rate of 19.2. This increase prompted the study.
I do not know what your reaction is. For me, my heart is weeping for our wounded.


  1. I hope it gets beyond a study and some real help can be offered to our military men and women.


  2. Most civilians never know what soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines suffer on a daily basis.


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