
A Caregivers Poem

Another day passes - It goes by so very fast...
The hours, the days, another week...
Her care unselfishly given, the mold is cast...
But sometimes, this body feels so weak.

Why did this illness strike her, I ask... why this particular time?
Sweet face of my wife in pain, I see...Is her payment due?!
Do I care enough? Give back to her! I am in my prime!!
My head hangs low, the color tone, it turns the deepest blue...

Family photos neatly placed on bedroom wall,
They reach out to brighten up her day...
Don't give up... my sweet love, don't take the hopeless fall!
Our family and children so many, we surely all will pray.

The only one who really knows?!
My moods and all that I am...
His name we call him sweet Jesus, his face in heaven glows,
He's our friend; EVERYDAY... We'll reach out to touch his hand!!

by bill weller - - dedicated to my precious and wonderful wife, Carla Jayne Weller who was diagnosed with NMO one year ago 8/6/2010.

I first posted about Bill and Carla Weller back in March. Carla is afflicted by NMO.. the same neurological disease that my wife Ann has. I so relate to Bill's sentiments expressed in this poem. You can follow the Weller's journey at Carla's blog.


  1. Bob, this is beautiful. Makes me think of what my dad went through trying to care for my mom with Alzhiemer's.

    May God bless you and Bill as you serve your wives.

  2. tuesday night hugs for << you >>, << ann >>, << bill >> and << carla >>

  3. That's beautiful! I too have NMO and an amazing caring husband!

  4. What a great poem. My wife is gifted in this area. She has a special way to comfort people in their time of need. She doesn't need to be asked she just goes and helps.

  5. beautiful poem, full of compassion and love

  6. This is very special. Hugs to you and Anne.


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