
Blogging by Email

As Geek Week continues here on the blog I thought that I might reflect a bit on the idea of using spammed-up email as a way to blog. Now I am not really speaking to the viral forwards that we all get.. annoying as they are they rarely come with personal thoughts from the forwarder. What I am speaking about is folks who write a blog-type post in an email message then BCC the note to everyone they know.
I know of several individuals and ministries that do this.
My advice for such as these is simple: Get a Blog!

Now I am not against what they do but find email technology to be a poor way to communicate ideas because of the one-way nature of its form. Of course one can respond directly to the originator of the blogged email but the comment rarely goes any further. It is similar to some of the famous people blogs who do not care to debate the contents of their writings in the public square. In truth these more resemble sermons than bloggings.

A lot of these currently end up in my spam box. What fate awaits them at your inbox?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely. I much rather read a blog than an email. In fact I delete a lot of these type emails but would be more likely to go to a blog and check up on the person if I was interested in their life.

    Good topic.


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