
Biopics: Amelia ★★★★★ | The Last Station ★★★★★

Do you ever wonder what it would like if Hollywood made a movie of your life or maybe just a few years of it? Who would play "you" in it? How would it come across? Would it be boring? Would you "tell all"? Would your friends be surprised when they saw it? Would you prefer it to be made after you die? These are some of the things I wonder about when I watch these biopics on film. Ann and I recently watched two such movies on DVD.

Amelia is about the life and mysterious disappearance of 1930s fly-girl Amelia Earhart. I thought that the movie was a bit tedious and slow in places. I enjoyed learning about her and the somewhat flamboyant life that she lived. I talked with Ann's 94 year old mom about her and she reminisced about Amelia's fame and how she inspired young gals like her. Amelia Earhart was amazing when you consider that she was the second person, and first woman, to solo across the Atlantic Ocean.. and just five years after Lindbergh did it. I liked Hilary Swank's portrayal of Amelia but I am a bit lukewarm on this biopic.. hence, on a scale of 10 I give this movie ★★★★★

The Last Station is a movie about the last year of Leo Tolstoy's life. In it the filmmakers give us a glimpse into his struggle to balance fame and a desire to live a simple life free of materialism. I thought it to be a bit "educational" as I did not know anything about his life and was surprised to learn about the Tolstoyan Movement.. an idea that embraced brotherly love and pacifism but denounced wealth and sex. I found the story to be a bit sad because of the way that ideology but a wedge between Tolstoy and his wife. The movie was rated R because of an unneeded bedroom scene. Overall I thought that the movie dragged and was overly dramatic. Hence, on a scale of 10 I also give this movie ★★★★★

If they biopicked Kansas Bob I might see Hunter Parrish playing a young Bob and Edward Norton the older Bob. I imagine it would be a very exciting motion picture only rivaled by such inspirational flicks like Revenge of the Nerds and its many sequels.. after all I am one of those geeky nerdly types.. Bill Gates success gave me hope.

Your favorite biopic? Chariots of Fire is mine. What would a movie of your life be like?


  1. It would be boring at times, sad at times, happy at times, exciting at times (because of what God has done), but I don't know if anyone would want to watch it. LOL People say that I look like Debra Messing, so she would play me. ;)

    My favorite biopic would have to be "Freedom Writers." I know that was about a group of children as well, but it mainly revolves around that teacher and her impact on the kids.

  2. I liked these: 1992 Sinatra mini-series, Casino, and the Aviator.

  3. A movie of my life?? Don't think it would get many Hollywood reviews!!

    It would be rated G ~which would turn off a lot of people... but then how could I rate my life story R since I spend my adult life as a Pastor's wife, faithful - so no juicy scandals or affairs but lots of love between my dearest and me. Raise 4 children, have bakes thousands of cookies so perhaps Mrs.Fields could play me.


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