Martin Luther's famous statement to the Imperial Diets of Worms as presented in the 2003 movie titled Luther. Inspiring response regardless of your religious persuasion.

I love Halloween. :) Its fun. I'm not worshiping Satan when I dress up and give kids candy. Its an opportunity to love kids. For some of us, it may be the only contact we have with our neighbors. For me, its a way to relate to kids where they're at.I love that idea about it being an opportunity to love kids.. it is a positive way to view the day. What other positive ways do you celebrate the day?
I'm going to give them candy and be friendly to them and dress up with them and play with them because that's how you communicate love to a kid at Halloween time. And isn't communicating Love what we're supposed to be about?
Its all about where your heart is. I think kids get that. They understand the difference between real and make-believe. Its the adults that have the issues with it.
Dealing with a chronic illness like MS or Devics Disease (my wife's illness) can take everything out of you. I so admire Cami Walker's story.. I appreciated how she struggled.. how she forced herself out of bed to give a small gift each day for 29 days.. and I was amazed to hear her speak of not needing her cane after a few weeks.The first day of my personal 29-Day Giving Challenge was preceded by a sleepless night. I was awake all night feeling angry and sorry for myself during a difficult flare up of my Multiple Sclerosis. When insomnia hits, I often go through old journals and read them. I found a note that I'd made during a phone session with one of my spiritual teachers, Mbali Creazzo, two months before. The note said, "Give something away each day for 29 days." It was 3 a.m. and I decided in that moment to take the suggestion.
And so my 29-Day Giving Challenge began that morning as I gave my first gift -- a simple supportive phone call to another friend living with MS. I woke up the next day and the next day after that feeling excited about what I might give away. And I began to notice that the more I gave away, the more abundance I was experiencing for myself.
Love thy neighbor is not a piece of advice, it is a command.Please join me in asking how we can be with God and the poor today.
God has a special place for the poor.
Where you live should not decide whether you live
or whether you die.
The poor are where God lives. God is in the slums, in the cardboard boxes where the poor play house. God is where the opportunity is lost and lives are shattered. (Standing ovation.) God is with the mother who has infected a child with a virus that will take both their lives. God is under the rubble in the cries we hear during wartime.
God, my friends, is with the poor, and God is with us if we are with them.
In the words of a cliche it seems that some folks have more money than sense.. and don't you think that hair is pretty gross? Wonder what the shirt looked like?A clump of hair believed to have been trimmed from Elvis Presley's head when he joined the Army in 1958 has sold for $15,000 at a Chicago auction house.
Also among the 200 Elvis-related items up for grabs at the Leslie Hindman Auctioneers in Chicago on Sunday was a shirt that once belonged to the King which sold for $52,000.
The buyer of the hair paid $15,000 plus an additional $3,300 in auction house fees.
It’s October at Duke University, in Durham, N.C., and Jonathan Kuniholm (pictured above) is playing ”air guitar hero,” a variation on Guitar Hero , the Nintendo Wii game that lets you try to keep up with real musicians using a vaguely guitarlike controller. But the engineer is playing without a guitar. More to the point, he’s playing without his right hand, having lost it in Iraq in 2005. Instead he works the controller by contracting the muscles in his forearm, creating electrical impulses that electrodes then feed into the game. After about an hour he beats the high score set by Robert Armiger, a two-armed Johns Hopkins University engineer who modified Guitar Hero to train amputees to use their new prostheses.Pretty amazing stuff.. makes me glad for our wounded veterans.
The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is pouring at least US $71.2 million into the program in the hope that it will let amputees do what most people take for granted: make gestures, test the water in a teacup, turn a key, even peel the shell off an egg. Words like bionic and thought -controlled have been thrown at the project, but they don’t do justice to the sheer ordinariness of its purpose. DARPA isn’t looking for a superstrong ”Six Million Dollar Man” arm; it just wants an arm that moves exactly like a real one does.
The term Snowbird is used to describe people from the Northeast, Midwestern United States, or Canada who spend a large portion of winter in warmer locales such as California, Arizona, Florida, The Carolinas, or elsewhere along the Sunbelt region of the southern and southwest United States, areas of the Caribbean, and even as far away as Australia and New Zealand.I would be interested in any snowbird destinations that you have enjoyed.. especially ones that you might deem within driving distance from the midwest and ones that might be wheelchair accessible. And while you are pondering I suggest that you listen to Elvis sing about the snowbird here.
We got the call that we all where waiting for I am sad to say she did not win. But the cool thing is she was one of the top three people and that 50,000 votes where cast for everyone. Marcia wanted me to pass this along to all of you:
"No body should be disappointed. We won getting people aware of the homeless people of Kansas city. Thanks again!"
Thanks again for all your help we could not have done it with out all your help and believing in this! If you would like to volunteer, donate, or make a comment, please contact Marcia Merrick at:
Reaching Out Incorporated :: P.O. Box 493 :: Mission, Kansas 66201
"Second, when Bush endorsed the surge, he was rejecting the advice of almost all his military advisors. By contrast, if Obama goes for a troop escalation, he will be embracing the recommendations of his generals."
The largest number of defendants ever charged in a cyber crime case have been indicted in a multinational investigation conducted in the United States and Egypt that uncovered a sophisticated “phishing” operation that fraudulently collected personal information from thousands of victims that was used to defraud American banks.Kudos to Egypt and the FBI.. now they need to get a few spammers
Operation Phish Phry marks the first joint cyber investigation between Egyptian law enforcement authorities and United States officials, which include the FBI, the United States Attorney’s Office, and the Electronic Crimes Task Force in Los Angeles. Phish Phry, with 53 defendants charged in United States District Court, also marks the largest cyber crime investigation to date in the United States.
Early Friday morning, NASA will slam two spacecraft into the moon in the hope of unearthing signs of water.Stories like this help me realize that NASA is not dead but alive and spending our tax dollars. I used to be very pro space exploration.. but these days I wonder if our destiny lays in space or maybe we should be exploring other things?
The spacecraft, called the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite or LCROSS, will break into two parts to hit the moon a few minutes apart. First the Centaur upper stage rocket will hit the lunar crater Cabeus near the southern pole, sending a plume of debris about 6 miles above the moon. LCROSS then will fly through the debris, collecting and analyzing the debris, searching for signs of water ice before slamming into the moon at 5,000 miles per hour.
Fox's Magee said that fans won't really see much difference between this incarnation of the simulcast and the one on MSNBC, except that the I-man's head will shrink from time to time (along with the rest of the frame) so that FBN can push more business headlines and market stats onto the screen.I am so glad to see poor 69 year old Imus getting back on TV.. and so glad to see him matched so perfectly with Fox.. but I don't think that I will tune in.. how about you?
"Only in America can you make that much money crying."Graham was not speak of being a believer in a religious sense but in a sense of being positive about our future.. I suggest you watch the video for context.
He went on to say that Beck is "not aligned with any party as far as I can tell. He's aligned with cynicism. And there's always been a market for cynicism."
"But we became a great nation not because we are a nation of cynics. We became a great nation because we are a nation of believers".
Aaaah.. too bad.. thought that it might have been a good idea :(It's cheap. It's easy. But it doesn't taste very good.
The reaction to Starbucks' newest beverage - instant coffee - was as lukewarm as an hour-old cup of joe.
At just under $1 per packet, Via is one of the cheapest cups of coffee on the market, but customers said that wouldn't make them come back for a refill.
"You can get a cup of coffee for $1 on every corner of New York City that tastes better than this," said Fae Berwick, 45, of Brooklyn. "Maybe it's a product for people in other cities. I don't see it selling here."
I have had similar moments over the years as I have read the life and teachings of Christ in the Gospels. Like Art I have felt that sword plunge deep into my inner being. Jesus and his teachings are simply timeless.The law said that the woman must be stoned. Yet Jesus had been teaching forgiveness, and earlier in the Book had actually said, "God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." Jesus was trapped.
... What would I say in Jesus' place? I searched my mind, exhausting my resources of logic and reason and finally conceded there was no answer. Fully expecting the worst, I reopened the book and read on. I found Jesus bending over, poking His finger in the dirt.
... And then came His answer, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone." I gasped. A sword had been plunged deep into my own being. It was numbing and shocking, yet thrilling, because the answer was so utterly perfect. It defied cerebral examination. It cut across every major issue I had ever anguished upon in my life. Truth. Justice. Righteousness. Integrity. I knew that what I had read transcended human knowledge and comprehension. It had to be divine.