401-Keg Accounts

I found this one in my email inbox:

If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Delta Airlines one year ago, you will have $49.00 today.

If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in AIG one year ago, you will have $33.00 today.

If you had purchased $1,000 of shares in Lehman Brothers one year ago, you will have $0.00 today.

But, if you had purchased $1,000 worth of beer one year ago, drank all the beer, then turned in the aluminum cans for recycling refund, you will have received $214.00.

Based on the above, the best current investment plan is to drink heavily & recycle. It is called the 401-Keg. A recent study found that the average American walks about 900 miles a year. Another study found that Americans drink, on average, 22 gallons of alcohol a year.

That means that, on average, Americans get about 41 miles to the gallon!

Kinda makes you proud to be an American.


  1. Yes, but we "teetotal" models get even better mileage! ;)

  2. Thought-provoking...LOL
    Its odd how some get their money's worth.

  3. Very Good lol, I was looking fot the origins of the picture and found this instead....thanks for the smile.

  4. I was looking for the origins of the picture and found this...thanks for the smile!


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