Here is the Wiki on the newly announced Republican Veep Candidate:
Seems a bit light on the leadership experience that McCain regularly blasts Obama on. I guess that in the end it might be a bit more about idealogy than I thought. This should be an interesting few months.Sarah Louise Heath Palin (born February 11, 1964) is the current Governor of Alaska, and the presumptive 2008 Republican candidate for Vice President of the United States. She will be the first female Vice Presidential candidate representing the Republican Party and the second female Vice Presidential candidate representing a major political party. She will be the first politician from Alaska to be nominated for Vice-President.
Palin was born in Idaho and raised in Alaska. In 1984, she was the 1984 runner-up in the Miss Alaska pageant, receiving a scholarship that allowed her to attend the University of Idaho, where she received a degree in journalism. After working as a sports reporter at an Anchorage television station, Palin served two terms on the Wasilla, Alaska, City Council from 1992 to 1996, was elected mayor of Wasilla (population 5,470 in 2000) in 1996, and ran unsuccessfully for Lieutenant Governor in 2002. She was elected Governor of Alaska in 2006 by first defeating incumbent governor Frank Murkowski in the Republican primary, then former Democratic Alaskan governor Tony Knowles in the general election.
I don't know much about Sarah Palin. But, from the 15 minutes of research I did this morning, I'm stunned by this pick.
ReplyDeleteThey're going after Obama on leadership, but they want us to elect a 72 year old man and put this woman with her resume one heartbeat away from the presidency? What am I missing? I'm sure this is a brilliant move. But, I'm missing it entirely.
I was too. All I heard about was experience from McCain. I guess he really doesn't have any. Mayor of Wisalla (pop 7000)two years ago. A heart beat (maybe less with 72 year old McCain)from protecting our country. Has dementia set in?
ReplyDeleteI think it was a excellent and bold choice....And that's all I have to say about that!!
ReplyDeleteThe question is "Who did this to McCain" Has the McCain camp been infiltrated by BOs camp? Does someone inside really hate him? I heard McCain only met her once or twice. Wow, what a screw up.
ReplyDeleteThanks Wanda. Please pass the shrimp and chocolates. LOL Wait until the late night shows start on this.
ReplyDeleteI am thrilled by this choice! My husband went and did the research on her. She is one strong woman.
ReplyDeleteYou are right Kansas Bob, this will be an interesting few months.
things are hotting up in the US of A - good choice!!!
ReplyDeleteI'll refrain from asserting whether I think this was a good or bad choice. I do think it was a strategic choice in large part. Solidify the base...go outside the box...try to snatch a few Hilary discontents along the way...attempt to project he is not aligned with Bush...and...try to regain his maverick status which has taken a beating of late...It makes a whole lot of sense to me from a political standpoint. Now let's just wait and see if he can get enough undecided voters to see what he wants them to see.
ReplyDeleteYa, I think Bilbo's assessment is bang on. They definitely look like the odd couple: a POW and a beauty queen. Strange combo, but totally strategic! (And yet a gamble, because of her lack of real experience). This campaign gets more interesting all the time!
ReplyDeleteGod help me in November.
ReplyDeleteI think its pretty sad that politics has come to this. Obviously he picked her because she's female. She is not qualified to run the USA which is what she would have to do if McCain dies in office. I risk insulting a lot of people if I say more so I'll shut up.
ReplyDeletePS I would love to see a female in office but not this one, I never even heard of her till today and he's only met her ONE TIME...that's irresponsible if you ask me...
ok, now I will really shut up
Governing a state does not count as experience? Am I missing something?
ReplyDeleteIntersting discussion going on here.. I love and respect the diversity of thought. I echo what Karen prayed in her comment.. I need His help to see celarly in this election season.
ReplyDeleteI do think that the experience vs judgment theme will continue to stay in the forefront during this election season. While Palin might appear to be 'light' on experience she may be heavy on judgment/wisdom. My guess is that we will have many chances to find out :)
Sarah Palin still has more experience than ObaMessiah. From a strictly government standpoint-she has been on a city council, served as Mayor, and now Governor. As Governor, she has accomplished a lot.
ReplyDeleteBy all accounts, she is a true patriot who understands what it means to serve-not dictate. Her service is to the people who put her in office. Her state has a surplus. She returned $1,200 to each Alaskan when there was a surplus. That $1,200 was paid out of a surplus-not by creating more debt. She doesn't write checks like a drunken sailor.
Not only does she have experience- she is principled. She doesn't hang out with terrorists, social miscreants, mentally disturbed clergy, and people who compose a culture of death-and then deny it when questioned about it.
I'll guarantee you she knows when life begins and no doubt believes in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for ALL.
She doesn't have to hide what she is. She is not an Islamofascist sympathizer.
Look out all you liberal eggheads-this girl hunts Moose!!!
Thank you Charles for that unbiased educational comment :)
ReplyDeletePalin has very little in the way of international experience--something we sorely need now. I was leaning toward McCain--Now, I don't want either of them.
ReplyDeleteI also don't appreciate her environmental stance. I'm not against drilling out there--but her active appreciation--and pursuit-- of wolf and other animal slaughter makes me wonder if she really does appreciate life...or just her family's life--or the happiness of ALL--except for endangered species. I love that one picture I've seen on the net. She looks so pretty leaning against the skin of what was a magnificent bear. Sorry, Charles...not buying Palin. I'm not sure she's as principled as you say.
Being Governor of one of the least populated states of our nation does not seem like the type of experience that would lend itself well to dealing with serious issues such as terrorism, international issues, the economy, the war...really its scares the crap out of me to think of her in charge. I think we'd be asking for trouble, our enemies would love it though.
ReplyDeleteOver at his place Casey mentioned that Palin is "a prominent member of Feminists for Life". Here is what I said about that:
ReplyDeleteShe does seem to be a feminist.. not sure what I think of that.. guess her husband is taking care of the baby.. I think I heard that he is a stay at home dad.. also heard that he is a commercial fisherman.. I am sure someone is taking care of her new-born.. I guess she didn’t see a conflict of interest in serving as governor and conceiving/having a child while in that office.. yes.. she does seem like a feminist.. is that a good thing? Yikes - I am sounding like a chauvinist :)
"I guess she didn’t see a conflict of interest in serving as governor and conceiving/having a child while in that office.. yes.. she does seem like a feminist.. is that a good thing? Yikes - I am sounding like a chauvinist :)"
ReplyDeleteYeah, kinda. . . . ;-)
The news of the (5 month) pregnancy of Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter is causing me to be more concerned about her judgment and the judgment of John McCain who selected her knowing this.
ReplyDeleteI guess he believes that, despite these family issues, Palin will be able to devote her full focus and energy on the stressful VP job.
I'm just stunned, Bob. I don't want to make this a political thing. I feel badly for the Palin family. But, why would she accept knowing this was the case? Poor Bristol!
ReplyDeletei agree brian. My heart goes out to this young woman who is now thrust into the national spotlight because her mother decisions. Based on reports I've read, it appears that McCain did little vetting into this candidate, speaking to her by phone only once in the past six months before offering her this job. What does this say about McCain's judgment? I think we're ready for a president who relies a bit more on facts and a little less on gut.
ReplyDeleteIt's such a shame that Bristol is going to get caught up in this. I'm on an Obama list and trying to get these nuts to stop seeing this as an opportunity for political gain.
ReplyDeleteI'm ashamed of both sides, the sharks on the left willing to attack this girl and the ambition of Sarah Palin for putting her in this situation.
Okay, folks....Bristol got herself into this situation and the truth would come out in Alaska just the same; it's not like she was going to be living this privately.
ReplyDeleteI like Palin's response: they will support and encourage their daughter in her future.
When my 'adopted' son got his girlfriend pregnant, we handled it the same way.
Other VP nominees and VP's (Cheney's lesbian daughter?) have all gone through this kind of scrutiny--pregnant or not. I imagine it will be no big deal in a short time.
That said, still a bad move for McCain. Bad pick for other reasons.
But what's the concern about her judgment? That a FEMALE is continuing her career despite family situations? Isn't this what men do? If Biden were in the same situation, would you expect him to back off of running with the presidential nominee?
"If Biden were in the same situation, would you expect him to back off of running with the presidential nominee?"
ReplyDeleteI would hold him and Obama to the same criteria of judgment.
I think that the issue is judgment.. that seems to be what is becoming important to me in this campaign.. instead of the "lighning rod issues" I once used to evaluate the candidates.
Still don't get it. If Palin had an affair, yes that would reflect on her judgment and morals, as it does Edwards.
ReplyDeleteNo one is supposed to move forward in politics if their daughter becomes pregnant?
I'm more interested in her lack of experience than I am her daughter's plight.
If Palin were more experienced, a tad less rigidly conservative, I'd be a happy camper....pregnant daughter and all.
I see where you are coming from Karen.. if you feel that McCain should not have wieghed Palin's family obligations into the the mix then I respect that view.
ReplyDeleteOn the flip side.. this is not a huge issue for me.. just part of the voting puzzle.. tomorrow I may be railing on Obama or Biden for something similar.
Think I'll write in a Kansas Bob/Brian ticket! You guys can argue over who gets to be VP!
ReplyDeleteIMO, she should have taken a pass on this nomination because she has a five month old child with special needs and a daughter who was going to subjected to scrutiny at the state level (a tiny state at that) and who is now going to be subject to scrutiny at a national level. Who knows if Bristol would have decided to marry the boy without the national spotlight on her?
Watching McCain on the Sattleback Forum helped me to hear him speak about his beliefs, apart from edited sound bites. I felt like I came to know him. I was excited by Palin's nomination because of the issues she believed in. I was a little disappointed that she did not have more experience but felt that she would energize the conservative wing of the Republican party. I finally felt energized myself and connected to the Republicans and this campaign.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I was concerned from the beginning about her Downs Syndrome child and how he would be cared for by a busy mother, campaigning and possibly becoming VP. Now, I am really concerned about the wisdom of her decision to accept this nomination at this time. I feel like she has exposed her daughter to the nation's attention at a time when Bristol should have been protected. Yes, Alaskans would have known but the whole world is different. She will need her mom as she becomes a new mother and wife at the age of 17. I ache for these parents and what they are going through as a family. And what about the stress on their marriage?
Timing is so important in our lives, it will assure either success or failure of our decisions, and that cannot be measured until later. Sarah Palin had a choice. As much as I like her and think she is a gifted and accomplished woman. I am disappointed that she would say, yes, now. The country doesn't need her today as much as her family does.
Who will I vote for? Whether or not she is dumped from the ticket, which will be a disaster for the Republicans, I will vote for McCain. I will be praying hard for whoever leads our country as they face the demands of office and the balance of healthy families.
I do understand where you're coming from, Brian. If I were in her shoes, I would certainly back off...but that's me. But, I'm not Palin. IMHO, we wouldn't be discussing this if she were male.
ReplyDeleteJust two quick things (here I am hijacking Bob's blog again).
1.) I don't know what I'd be saying if she were male. She's not. She's a pro-life, pro-family mother of five.
2.) I was accused recently of being sexist. Without writing an essay let me quickly say I am. I believe that men and women are equal in value and should have equal pay for the same job, etc. etc. But, I do not believe that men and women are the same. So, I confess, we might not be having this discussion if she were a man. But, I will not completely concede that point. Outside of her child with Down's Syndrome who needs her, there is the issue of Bristol being pregnant and I would soundly criticize a male candidate who put his 17 year old daughter through what Sarah is putting Bristol through.
Fair enough, Brian.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't matter. I'm thinking of moving to Australia. . .
If Canada had Mexico's weather... I'd try that for a while.
Amen, my friend.
ReplyDeleteI feel that many of us are being persecuted for airing our pro-family values :)
ReplyDeleteNews today is that the first time anyone from McCain's campaign sat down to interview Palin was the day before she was offered the job. The next day, McCain met her for the second time ever. I know people who are applying for administrative assistant jobs who go through weeks of interviews. McCain made this pick purely for politics, and not based on who is most prepared to lead this country.
ReplyDeleteTwo years age she had no job (afraid I would get pounced if I said housewife). Prior to that, she was a typical small-town mayor, complete with local pettiness and niceties that comes with that. Many of the positives we've heard about her (anti-earmarks, etc) have turned out to be not true. She may be a great person, I don't know.
What I do know is that McCain had six months to make one decision, and he decided to wing it on the last day. I am not impressed.
"What I do know is that McCain had six months to make one decision, and he decided to wing it on the last day. I am not impressed."
ReplyDeleteWell said Ed.. I think this is one of the most disappointing aspects of McCain's performance in this VP vetting process.. speaks to his judgment.