
Dona Nobis Pacem

Dona Nobis Pacem is Latin for "Grant Us Peace". When I think of the word peace I automatically think of Shalom.. a Hebrew and Jewish word meaning peace. I also thnk of Jesus. This is what the bible says of Him and of peace.
For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace, and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity. -Ephesians 2:14-16
I long for a time when men will be at peace with each other.. I am a peacemeaker in heart and hate to see people fighting.. I pray for a time when the Prince of Peace will reign and there will be no more war.

This post is a part of the Blog Blast for Peace.


  1. I too long for a time when we are at peace with our the meantime, I think we all need to pray and commit ourselves to the goal of peace with each other, our neighbors, our families, and those who don't see the world as we do...

    If we live in the spirit of nonviolent love in the little things, then in the great things we will be more likely to have something to call upon, something unexpected. But if we have not rehearsed responding in ways consistent with Jesus spirit, then the crisis triggers old and dark images of threat, fear, anger, and retaliation....Walter Wink

  2. Hey Kansas Bob ~~ I've been tring to comment on your blog several times over the past weeks, but for somer reason, my computer kept kicking me out when I tried to publish.

    Well, I'm back to try again...Hopefull today it will work.

    I am a peacemaker myself, don't likes arguements, or debates, and it hard to live peacefully in our hectic world. But let's keep trying until the Prince of Peace returns to make all things Right!!

    LOL: Wanda

  3. Yeah for Peace! As a missionary I have seen too many conflicts, and have been a part of a few too... There is something in our hearts that cries out for the Prince of Peace to have His way.

  4. Blessings to you OB as you endeavor to spread the gospel of peace. Reminds me of this verse:

    How Beautiful are the Feet of those who bring good news, proclaim peace, bring glad tidings of good things, proclaim salvation, and proclaim to Zion, "Your God reigns!" (Isaiah 52:7)

  5. Thank you for blogging for peace today, Bob. Blessings and love to you and yours.


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