
Page 123

I have been tagged by Julie Unplugged.. no Unplugged isn't her last name.. just her blog name. Anywho.. here are the rules of the tag:
  1. Pick up the nearest book of 123 pages or more. (No cheating!)
  2. Find Page 123.
  3. Find the first 5 sentences.
  4. Post the next 3 sentences.
  5. Tag 5 people.
Here is my response to #4 using a book found on my wife's kitchen desk:
I dare say that David could take on John Wayne or James Bond any day; yet this true man is unashamed to admit his desperate dependence on God. We know we are meant to embody strength, we know we are not what we were meant to be, and so we feel our brokenness as a source of shame. As we spoke of his wound recently, and how he needed to enter into it for healing, Dave protested.

Any guesses about the book's name?
Here is my response to #5.. not the usual suspects as I tried to tag some on my blogroll that I have not tagged before:
Sarah, Stephanie, Bilbo, Therese and Ed
And of course you all are released from any obligation to continue this madness.. I think that you are not as compulsive as I am.. or are you? Come to think of it.. a few of you might not see this tag anyway.. all the better :)


I love to get comments and usually respond. So come back to see my reply. You can click here to see my comment policy.