I wonder what the difference is between the 2nd and 4th positions of this poll? For me.. I think.. well, I'm thinking here.. immigration is probably more important than I think it is. It is an issue that candidates are all over the place on because.. I think.. candidates don't want to offend Hispanics. So here are some thoughts on what I'd like to see in an immigration package:
- Real security around our southern border. A patrolled fence sounds like it could work.
- Help for migrant Mexican workers to have legal jobs.
- Enforcement of existing employment and immigration laws.
I am sure that there are other aspects that I am clueless about. Any you would add or subtract?
KB, immigration and the war in Irag are my two biggest issues in this election. I think they are the top priorites for the next administration. There are many things in place economically to curb illegal immigration - like the IRS is really on top of closing loopholes for non-citizens getting specific credits, especially the earned income credit. Did you know two years ago, an illegal immigrant could come to the US, work a job with a fake SSN for six months making 10-15 thou, then come back at the beginning of the next year, legally file an income tax return for the previous year while they start up the job again, and on top of getting a refund for taxes paid in (which they are legally entitled to) they would earn an additional $4,000 paid by Uncle Sam as the EIC? This program is designed as the largest welfare program to aid families who work, but just can't make it - and it made me angry that so much of it went to illegal immigrants. Not any more! Last year IRS closed up some of those opportunities, and this year closed up the last of the loops. In the next few years, I think we will see some positive effects from this.
ReplyDeleteI am looking at candidates this year that are talking about the counter-productivity of the minimum wage. Less than 2.5% of legally working US citizens receive minimum wage or less (Not including the self-employed). High minimum wages create an environment where small business have no choice but to hire illegal workers (citizens or not). We allow a landscaper to hire high school or college students for $6 an hour - we stop them from hiring 100's of thousands of illegal workers. If there are jobs for them, they will continue to climb any fence we build.
(sorry - can you tell I think about this a lot?)
Thanks for the great comment Missy! Maybe the real question we should ask is why do we feel a need for a southern border fence and not a northern border fence?
ReplyDeleteI hear tell that the Canadian government taxes the heck out of their people, but they take care of their needs. Mexican & So. American gov'ts not so much. They need the help and hope of honest work, and there are many legal channels to do just that. The illegal channel is fueled by greed - but some is also fueled by fear and desparation. I am trying hard to have a gentler heart towards those in need, and my hope is that stalling the illegal flow will allow the others to accomplish something good, legally.
ReplyDeleteInteresting discussion. Missy's right. Canadians have it better than Americans (in my opinion). I don't think they are over-taxed. I lived there for 7 years, and the quality of life is fantastic. The healthcare was completely free and it was phenomenal (contrary to popular belief in the states), Canada has much lower crime rates, affordable university education (I never could've afforded to go in the US!), the list goes on and on. Canadians aren't flooding the border because they have no reason to. Canada is a very popular destination for immigrants, and immigrant human resources are appreciated and better utilized there (a lot of educated people immigrate to Canada as well as those from third world conditions).
ReplyDeleteAlso, Canada has a different history than Mexico. Mexico is more akin to third world conditions due to its particular colonial history etc. I personally believe that people are fleeing Mexico out of desperation, and the jobs they may get in the states are only the ones that those with no high school diploma can get. So that's not much of a threat to my job security. But, that's not how everyone feels, and I understand that. If I was born in Mexico, born into poverty and wanted a better life for my kids, I might be more apt to try to do so even if it meant breaking the law.
I know, my stance is very soft on the issue. But I try to understand what Jesus meant by "Love your neighbor" when it comes to our neighbor Mexico. I also think the US should focus more USaid and more development initiatives, corruption fighting initiatives and the like to help Mexicans develop more security in their own country so they don't have to flee to ours. A small investment for preventative measures saves us a lot in the long run.
Thanks Sarah.. I have always appreciated and learned from your experiences in Canada.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Sarah, for the info regarding Canada, and spurring me on to a softer heart. After reading your comment, I studied up on the process of trying to legally work in the US as an immigrant and was mortified. I think you are right about being more neighborly to Mexico. I am curious if we support them financialy on a federal level more or less than non-continental third-world countries. Maybe we should spend the money we use on keeping them out on economic aid?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the discussion, KB!