You use these words in a positive way:
Missional, Liquid/Aqua, Ancient-Future, Post ____, Jesus, Community, Derrida, Liturgy, Global, Creed, Experience, Social Justice, Conversation, Spiritual, Ritual, Beauty, Art, Blog, Ooze, Journey, Discussion, Open, Random, Culture, TechnologyYou use these words in a negative way:
Foundationalism, Absolute Truth, Church Growth, D.A. Carson, Calvinism, Modernism, Fundamentalist, Bush, Seeker Sensitive, Preaching, Pulpit, Doctrine, Innerancy, Power, Enlightenment, Rationalism, Meta-narratives, Universal, JudgementalDepending on your sense of humor, you're a tad irritated with this post.
LOL! It looks like everyone is emerging! I think everyone can find at least a couple words from both categories! :D
ReplyDeleteI think all Christians would use 'Jesus' and 'spiritual' in a positive way, while all would use 'judgmental' in a negative sense (and if your Charismatic or Pentecostal, then 'rational' and 'Enlightenment' definitely make your negative list!)
I am more "emerging" than I thought. I might... just might be a liberal Christian.
I'm trying to imagine someone saying "pulpit" like it's a dirty word....
ReplyDeleteFunny choices!