Moderate KB

Hattip to Casey the Fightin Fundy and QuizFarm.

Okay.. it says Conservative.. but Moderate is listed on top.. and I do prefer Moderate even though I am a Conservative.. just don't want to be labeled Conservative.

What about you? Let me know if you take the test and how you scored.


  1. You scored as Evangelical Presbyterian
    You're an Evangelical Presbyterian, probably a member of a PCA church. Sound theology and reverent worship are important to you, but so are outreach and ministry to the community. You are likely to be from the deep South, and perhaps at one time you were Southern Baptist.

    Evangelical Presbyterian

    Moderate Evangelical


    Reformed Baptist


    Not surprising.

  2. I got Moderate Evangelical, but I was higher in percentages than you in the reformed church options.

    I loved how they put that "Blue Like Jazz" is on my top five list, because it so is!

  3. Took it for the heck of it:

    High Church Nomad 90%
    Evangelical Presby 75%
    Baptist 70%
    Presby Old School 60%...

    My lowest score was Reformed Baptist, I think.


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