
Ownership Has Shifted

2/6 Update: According to this story Mardell Christian Book Stores founder (and son of Hobby Lobby founder) Mert Green donated $70 million of his family's fortune to rescue Oral Roberts University. In return for the donation, Green becomes chairman of the university's new board of trustees, and hopes to restore the public's trust in the 5,700-student institution.

10/7: Commenting on the recent scandal at Oral Roberts University professor Tim Brooker summed up the situation:
"All over that campus, there are signs up that say, 'And God said, build me a university, build it on my authority, and build it on the Holy Spirit,' ... Unfortunately, ownership has shifted."
In an era where sons of famous preachers like Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, Robert Schuller, John Osteen, and others are inheriting huge ministries, it is helpful to reflect on the word ownership. I guess this is not a new phenomena.. religious history is replete with illustrations of how men take God authored and inspired movements to places that God never intended them to go.

Certainly men like Martin Luther and John Wesley would not endorse many of the aberrations that have stemmed from the revelations that initially inspired many to faith. I guess that is the nature of second hand faith and second hand revelation. People can take an idea to some pretty strange places if revelation is not personal. The result is often a lack of accountability and a shift in ownership.

1 comment:

  1. With ORU the dad took then down the wrong path and the son continued. I have a lot to say about this but will keep it to myself. Mert Green is trying to keep it alive. It would be ashame if Oklahoma lost ORU.


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