My wife's opthamologist recently told her that wearing sunglasses protects you from harmful UV rays that can cause cateracts. According to
this article people in the Australian school system seem to agree requiring children to wear sunglasses. Here is an excerpt from the article:
There was a time when wearing sunglasses would have been seen as too cool for school, but for pupils at a pioneering primary in Australia they are now a compulsory part of the uniform.
The move is aimed at protecting young eyes from the sun's dangerous ultraviolet rays, and education authorities say they are considering adopting the plan at all state schools.
The headmaster of Sydney's Arncliffe Public School, where sunglasses are now compulsory for children from kindergarten through Year 6, said they had no problems wearing the glasses in the playground.
UV protection and a bit cool as well - who'd have thunk it :)
That's a great idea. My kids won't wear them. . the oldest has glasses, so I got the transforming lenses for him.