
The National World War I Museum

This week Ann and I visited this great Kansas City attraction. I thought of writing about it then remembered that I had posted these thoughts from my friend Kirk three years ago. His report says it all:
It was spectacular! I highly recommend it. They have transformed that whole park and made the Memorial Tower and the museum the focal point. You can tell as soon as you approach the gate. Seems very popular too; the street was lined with cars. The layout of the museum is circular. I started with the twelve minute intro movie. The first half of the circle is dedicated to the time between 1914-17 when everyone BUT the U.S. was fighting the war. That was very eye opening to me; at first I kept noticing "America" was missing from all the displays. In my ignorance, I just figured it was a demonstration of our great humility. Then my eyes opened to the fact that we didn't enter the war until 1917. The second half is dedicated to that time and half-way through they have a huge screen with a dramatic fifteen minute presentation slash diorama showing the transition. It was impressive. I decided to break at that point and go up in the tower for a great view of the city. Only waited a few seconds to get the elevator to the top. Returned to the museum and hurried through the second half expecting to save it for another visit, maybe next year. You could do it in less than two hours.
Thanks Kirk! You can virtually visit them at their website for more information. I highly recommend that you give it a try if you are ever in the Kansas City area.. and please let us know if you do - maybe we will take the trip with you.

1 comment:

  1. We enjoyed our trip to this museum. WWI vets deserve to be remembered, and KC is one of the few places that does so. This is well worth visiting.


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