
Candidate Comparison: What I Want

I thought that I'd interupt my series on the candidates to weigh in saying what, at this point in time, I want in the next president. I commented at Danny Kaye's place with this:
I want somebody that will:

1) Bring the troops home!
2) Get our nation out of debt!
3) Free us from Corporate American tyranny!
4) Support the poor in our nation!
5) Think about the future of social security and medicare!

I don't know if any of the current candidates are up for the job.
What are your requirements? Maybe we can help each other think through the alternatives.


  1. I find that I change my criteria based upon what the political climate is at the time running up to an election. For this election, the things I care most about are:

    1.) The war in Iraq

    Whether or not I supported the war during its inception is irrelevant. I am not convinced that the powers that be were all that off-base with what they were telling us, but they have allowed their pride and politicking cloud their judgment.

    Now that it's been bungled so badly I don't know that any of the candidates are able to make even a small amount of good come out of it. But one thing I am certain of, it will take a powerful leader to get those troops home.

    2.) Restore the perception of presidential character and intelligence to the Oval Office

    I like Dubbya. I really do. He's just not doing a very good job of representing the nation. He confidently speaks like a bafoon, and he has proven that he is not able to lead without pride and bias.

    It is going to take a mature, powerful leader to restore the image of the US President!

    3.) The National Dept

    We are 9 trillion dollars in debt. 22% of that is owed to foreigners. That is just wrong! The interest alone is killing us.

    Pay down the debt through frugal business sense and we will see a LOT of money flood the market that will help every American...and even some foreign countries.

    We need someone with some serious business sense who understands the dangers of running a (national) corporation with so much of our economy in the red.

    Beyond those three I can't think of anything that will "sway my vote."

    For now, and to me, Mitt Romney is that leader.

    (Hey, KB. You didn't think I was gonna type all that and not mention his name, didja!!?) heh-heh

  2. I think you hit all the main points for me but I will also add number 2 from danny kaye.

    Maybe one of these election years I will be able to vote for someone I think can do the job rather than voting against who I think will screw it up the most. Kinda sad.

  3. I have the same thought as Layla. If only once I could vote for someone and not against!


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